Tuesday, July 2, 2013

broke my fast

Broke my fast after 9 days but continuing parts of it and will do 3 to 4 day juice fasts until the forty days is complete. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Forgot to add to the last blog... dealing with bad skin right now... heard it is common for the detox phase so for now my skin is itchy and have some outbreaks here and there on my arms, face, back, and chest.  Not a lot but a few. 
Okay one of my tough days!  Day 7 of the fast was made harder by having taken some allergy pills the night before.  I was wickedly hungry late last night and ate my sugar free jello, drank juice and had some chicken boullion but still had to sleep very hungry.  Today I had loads of energy but was distracted a lot with thoughts of hamburgers.  lol  I don't want to quit because I am enjoying this great energy and my liver behaving well. 

Excited about having the energy now to finish projects I wanted to compete this summer such as painting and re-decorating the main bathroom at Trevor.  Also wanting to get scrapbooking done and upload some older family pictures to my facebook page.  The boys are gung ho about making the garage a fun place to hang out and play rock band so that is on my agenda.  OH and planning a trip with friends to Maggie Valley in August so it would be nice to have energy and having lost some weight.  Lots of reasons to not give up. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day four of the fast and think I'm through the worst of the detox.  No headache or body aches so far today.  I'm drinking far less juice, too.  I feel a little light headed at times but that is no big deal.  All that I'm feeling even at my worst does not come close to those days when I've been able to tell I was having symptoms related to chronic liver troubles.  This is a far cry from that and I'm really hoping this fast will give my liver a time to heal. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day three... hanging in there.  Had sugar free breath mints and I think they made today worse for me.  Very sick to my stomach but not near as hungry as yesterday.  Drinking much less juice today.  Making sure to get in the mean green but craving more a tomato cucumber combination.  Bought some premade stuff because not feeling great but was able to make my own juice anyhow. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Short record to keep track; started a juice fast today.  The goal is 40 days but I just want to take it one day at a time for now, of course.  I feel pretty good and am trying not to let this occupy my thinking non-stop but it can be hard at times.  Not much else to report.  Took a nap because I was feeling tired.  I expect the first 2 to 5 days to be the toughest.  Hoping this will give my body some much needed healing time. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I told you so

Just check my old blogs..... I told you that the fun was about to begin when it came to this presidential election...months and months ago. And the fun continues. I happen to be with Bill a little when he made the comments that tended to indicate that those that can't handle the heat have no business entering politics at all. (Many of you know I'm not a Clinton fan but EVEN I have been a bit shocked at the 'friends' that have jumped ship on that power couple.) My thoughts are random, but hey, they are my own.

McCain? AND I'M A DIE HARD REPUBLICAN...what can this say?? He actually has his moments with me but I find that most often, I'm just not sure about him. While I don't expect him to tow any line when it comes to being a conservative...that info on being ready to change over to the Democrats in 2001 was a bit unsettling. AND wanting to be the running mate of John Kerry?? "Reporting for dooty" :)

Obama? He's so smooth that when he talks it's like when Smokey sings. After I recover from the moment and really examine some of what he is saying....especially the defense of Rev. Wright stuff....I find I'm not as enchanted. I want to be fair though. He says things in his speech that I applaud and understand and agree with....on a level as white Christian that many would not even relate to. Having grown up in a Pentecostal church I've heard WHITE ministers condemn America in strong terms but I also knew that it was a heated sermon and they deeply loved America. That kind of preaching is supposed to unsettle you but it's also supposed to move you to change and look at your own short comings....Wrights speech seemed to instead work toward creating a whine fest. I not ready to make a call but I will say.... WOW when I see the video of Wright I can't stop thinking that if Hillary wants to win...she needs to KEEP making sure those videos are shown.

Hillary? Will we get two for the price of one again?? DO we get a discount since in a sense we've already had her and she's old merchandise? And wow, did I hear Chelsea right....she believes her mother will be a better president than her father. Poor Dad. I wonder if that hurt a little. EVEN his own damn daughter is shakey on her loyalty. Couldn't she say, "Let's just say that I think my father did an amazing job as President (she'll need to say this without cracking up) and my mother will add to the legacy of superior performance for our country"? Hillary can make me very mad but in some ways I'm admiring her spirit and the invisible gonads she possesses.

THIS is looking to be a GREAT, and FUN, and Emotional, and Intense and educational and exciting election, folks. And I knew it was coming.

Next time lets discuss.....the democrats and their troubles with racism.