Thursday, March 8, 2007

Justice for Jessica?

Yesterday John Couey was found guilty of murdering Jessica Lunsford. Most of you probably remember the case....he was a pervert that had been released from the system when he should never have been out on the street in the first place. If you do not recall...basically he entered the home where Jessica lived and kidnapped her in the night..."allowing" her to bring along a new stuffed animal. (His compassion just warms your heart doesn't it?) He took her across the street and into the place he was living (a trailer that belonged, I believe, to his sister) and kept Jessica in the closet of his room for a few days while subjecting her to rape at his pleasure. He even reported that he 'allowed' her to look out the window of the room to view the many people that were in the neighborhood looking for her once it was discovered she was missing. (Once again...whatta man!) There was evidence that he fed her a burger but she unfortunately had to use the closet floor as a bathroom...yet again more of his goodness. Ultimately he decided she had to die BUT he once again managed to show the goodness in his heart by ALLOWING her to take her stuffed animal into the garbage bag he placed her in to bury her alive in the back yard. There was evidence of how she had tried to pry her way out of the bag after she was buried. If this doesn't make you sick and break your heart, nothing can.
There is no justice on Earth for what this man did to this child. Each time I look at the photos of her, all I can see is the face of my daughter, Cecily, who was born the same year as Jessica. The jury has yet to hand down his punishment but we all know that execution is really too good for him. Like I've said, there isn't a punishment we can dish out that will ever feel like justice. Most of us know that the next life offers a different story when it comes to that issue though.
God bless the family of Jessica. I pray that they find some comfort in knowing that nothing was hidden from God when John Couey decided to do the things he did to this child. I pray that they will find rest and peace in knowing that even though they want her here, she is at peace and finally truly safe where she is now.